Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Creating in Ceramics

I used to run into this all the time and now I see more hogwash on the internet. Where do people get these crazy ideas about ceramics.

I've heard things like 'it takes a lot of big equipment', which is just plain stupid talk, and 'very carefully', which just makes people afraid to touch clay.

I hate the idea that folks are being led down such paths when in actuality, working in ceramics (in any form) is simple, fun and fulfilling.

First, let me tell you that you can create ceramics on your own lap, if you had to.

Did you ever play with clay as a child? You remember what it felt like? I mean, any kind of clay even the oily stuff.

Earthenware and stoneware clays are the same thing. Well, by that I mean, pliable/bendable. It doesn't matter if it's in ball clay form or clay slip. Even the slip can thicken enough for you to hand form it.

What I'm saying is, clay slip is not a mystery. It's just clay that is thin like cream, with additives in it to make it pour like fluid instead of just blobbing in clumps. In this form, clay can be poured into a mold, left to thicken a shell against the inside of the mold and then the excess poured out. Now doesn't that sound simple?

It actually is a simple process that folks have a tendency to make sound as though you have to have some sort of science degree to master it. Not!

I'd love for you to drop by my website and read more about it.http://judysbookshop.com/pouring.html

Other ceramics blogs http://pour-ceramics.blogspot.com

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